Motion fit bits
Motion fit bits

Consistent evidence indicated that Fitbit devices were likely to meet acceptable accuracy for step count approximately half the time, with a tendency to underestimate steps in controlled testing and overestimate steps in free-living settings. We secondarily explored how variations in body placement, ambulation speed, or type of activity influenced accuracy. We conducted descriptive analyses for frequency of accuracy comparisons within a ☓% error in controlled and ☑0% error in free-living settings and assessed for potential bias of over- or underestimation. We explored measurement accuracy for steps, energy expenditure, sleep, time in activity, and distance using group percentage differences as the common rubric for error comparisons. We assessed risk of bias using a modification of the Consensus-Based Standards for the Selection of Health Status Measurement Instruments. We considered original research published in English comparing Fitbit versus a reference- or research-standard criterion in healthy adults and those living with any health condition or disability. Methods: We conducted electronic searches using PubMed, EMBASE, CINAHL, and SPORTDiscus databases with a supplementary Google Scholar search. Objective: The objective of this review was to systematically evaluate and report measurement accuracy for Fitbit activity trackers in controlled and free-living settings. JMIR Bioinformatics and Biotechnology 16 articlesĮmail: Although designed as a consumer product to help motivate individuals to be physically active, Fitbit activity trackers are becoming increasingly popular as measurement tools in physical activity and health promotion research and are also commonly used to inform health care decisions.JMIR Biomedical Engineering 59 articles.JMIR Perioperative Medicine 65 articles.Journal of Participatory Medicine 69 articles.JMIR Rehabilitation and Assistive Technologies 168 articles.

motion fit bits motion fit bits

JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting 224 articles.Interactive Journal of Medical Research 244 articles.JMIR Public Health and Surveillance 940 articles.Journal of Medical Internet Research 6775 articles.

Motion fit bits